Creating a new website is a great way to start your online career. Using the same template as your current website, you can create a new website just for yourself!
In this article, we will discuss how to create a new website byusing the same template as your current website. You will learn how to add content and design your own site!
There are two main ways to install WordPress on your own server. The easy way and the hard way. The hard way is to download and install from download sites like or The hard way is to create your own WordPress installation through this method.
Extract the file
Once your computer has connected to the internet, you can begin the process of installing WordPress. You can do this either by downloading a complete new installation file from my site, or by manually extracting the files into your computer.
Either way, you will need to navigate to your newly installed WordPress site to activate it.
Once activated, you can now continue with the rest of this guide!
Now that we have started, it is time to stop. By now, most of your computer will have freshly installed WordPress up and running. Try posting a short post or two and see how things work.
Open the folder
Now open the wp-admin folder you just created. If you created it using the default path, then you are set!
If you created it elsewhere, then continue below!
If you created it elsewhere, then continue below!
Bullet point: Look for any files or folders that are referenced in your blog post’s index.php file or another file referenced in your website. These may be hidden or temporary files that WordPress creates to give your site some look and feel.
If you find any, delete them as they are not needed.
Double click on the “wordpress” file
After downloading the WordPress file, open it and then click the “connect” button. This will bring up a window where you can enter your email and then select connect.
You will then be taken to their website to update your settings and create a new account. Once this is done, you can start using your new WordPress site!
Now that your new site is installed, you will want to change your username and password so that someone else cannot access it. This can be done by clicking the “change password” link at the top of the dashboard. Make sure you know your new password so that someone cannot get into your account!
Now that everyone on your site has an email, they can login using that! If they forgot their original username and/or email, then they can create an account at wp-login.
Enter your database information
Once your computer has connected to the internet, it must give permission for the wp-admin administrative interface to access your website. You can do this by entering your database information in the entry screen.
Your computer will ask if you want to allow other users to access your website, which you do by default. You can turn this off at this stage, however!
After you have installed and registered your new WordPress site, you can move forward creating a blog or hosting a page!
How Do I Install WordPress on My Website? Part 1: INSTALLING THE WORDPRESS PLUGIN This part of the article explains how to install the WordPress plugin on your computer.
Create a username and password
Before you can install and start using your new WordPress website, you must create a username and password. This is done by selecting Username or Password at the top of the dashboard.
Your account will also need a location to store your data, so make sure to include that in your settings. Your account must be connected to your computer to do this properly!
Once these details are entered, you are all set! Now it is time to install WordPress!
How to Install WordPress onto Your Site
The final task is to install and start using your new WordPress site. You can do this easily by clicking on Installing The Website or Login link at the top of the dashboard.
Click “Launch WordPress”
Now you’re inside your new WordPress installation! You can now add a new page or post, or update an existing one.
Adding a New Page or Post
Add a new page or post by clicking the “Add a Page or Post” link at the top of your screen. This will take you to the edit page where you can add an image, label, and text for your page.
Now that your page is live, you can add content to it! Click on the gear in the upper-right corner of your screen to open the menu, then select Add Content.
Surprise: You guessed it! There’s another link in here! Now that you click it, there is a pop-up that asks if you would like to add this item to your account.
Go to /wp-admin/install.php
Enter your website’s hostname or IP address and then click Next.
Follow the steps in the installation process
Once your new WordPress installation is complete, it’s time to make sure it’s working. To do that, follow these steps.
Make sure your computer has enough space to accommodate the new WordPress website. You can look at your previous WordPress site to see how much space you had.