How To Install Typesense On Your Vps

While there are some free version of Typest, most require you to pay monthly or yearly fees depending on how many users you have. These types of accounts are not necessarily easy to come by so it is important to be aware of this before downloading their software.

Typest is completely free for one user but if you would like to use more than one person in your organization then you will need an account with us!

This article will go over all of the steps needed to install and use Typest yourself including creating an account here if you do not already have one. We will also talk about why you should add this tool to your collection and what benefits you can get from using it.


The authors of this article may receive commissions for any purchases made after clicking links and moving onto another site (this does not affect our opinion of the product or service). There are links within this article to purchase Typest directly from which we may earn money off of.

Make sure it has enough disk space

How to install typesense on your vps

If your computer does not have typesensae already, you can download the software directly from their site or through our link here!

Make sure that your hard drive has at least 2GB of free space before installing because that is how much typesensafe uses to work.

You will also need to create an account with them if you would like to access some features such as creating new dictionaries or editing existing ones.

Make sure it has a current version of Ubuntu

How to install typesense on your vps

If you are looking to install typesensibility or use pre-made typeface sets, then you will need to make sure your VPS does not have any kind of restricted access. This includes things like limited SSH access, limited root login, and/or usage of private IP addresses.

Luckily, most good web hosting companies offer dedicated user accounts that allow for much more freedom than their standard account levels. You can test out how flexible their services are by trying out a free level account!

There is no reason to invest in paid plans unless you want full control over all aspects of your site.

Purchase a Typesense subscription

How to install typesense on your vps

After you have completed the steps above, it’s time to actually install Typesensers! You can now purchase a monthly or yearly subscriptions from their website at

Typesensor offers both paid and trial accounts, so make sure to check those out before deciding which one is right for you. The only difference between the two is how much limited features they offer- pro versions provide more functionality.

We recommend trying out the free version first to see if things work properly for you before investing in an account. There are some limitations to what you can do with the free plan, but nothing major.

Connect to your VPS using SSH

How to install typesense on your vps

Once you have downloaded the typesense software, you will need to connect to your VPS via SSH (secure shell). An easy way to do this is through PuTTY, which many people are familiar with. You can download a free version of PuTTy here!

After installing PuTTty, you will then be able to access your VPS using the same user name and password that you use for logging into your computer normally.

Install the Typesense software

The second step in setting up typesetting software is installing the typeset-focused software onto your computer or web server. You can install it directly through their website, or you can use a third-party app store like Google Play or Apple Store to do it for you.

Typesense offers both premium and free versions of its software, but there are some limitations depending on which plan you choose. For just $9/month, you get access to all of their features including being able to create and edit documents at no cost, and 5 GB of document storage space per user.

The best way to find out if this service is right for you is by trying a 30 day trial version. You can always continue to pay monthly after that as well! They also offer a one month free trial so you could give it a try before making an investment.

Configure the software

How to install typesense on your vps

The next step in installing typesensibility is configuring your software! This process will vary slightly depending on what type of web server you have, but they are all pretty straightforward processes.

For example, if you use Apache as your web server then you would need to make sure that it can access the typesensor API key before adding it to your site.

This means changing either httpd.conf or.htaccess files so that it has permission to connect to our website’s backend. You also must change the DocumentRoot setting so that it knows where to look for templates.

We recommend using Anirban Joshi‘s excellent article on how to install typesenser with WordPress as a starting point because he goes into great detail about both settings.

Test your connection

How to install typesense on your vps

Make sure you have an active internet connection before installing typesense! You will need this for both installation processes as well as using typesENSE once it is installed.

If you are using wifi, test that connection first by going to If the address works, then typesENSE will work!

For cell phone or data connected users, be sure to check if typesENSE has authentication set up correctly.

Run the Typesense software

How to install typesense on your vps

The second step in installing TypeSense is running the software! You can do this either through your browser or via their app. If you’re using Google Chrome, simply open it up and go to

You will need to sign into your account as an administrator before being able to install the software. After that, you will be taken to the Settings page where you can configure some settings such as which domain names you want to use TypeSense for and how many users you have per site.

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